Cherry Tree Organics

Tofu - Firm - Certified Organic - Australian


Fresh Australian Certified Biodynamic Organic Tofu - Firm

Portion size: 375g


With subtle taste and a range of textures Earth Source Foods tofus are excellent flavour carriers.
While they are well suited to Asian cooking styles, our tofu is so versatile it can be added to any style of cuisine – sweet or savoury – and prepared in an endless variety of recipes.

Our tofu is excellent nutritionally for those following vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy free, plant based or nut-free diets. 
Earth Source Foods tofu is very high in protein and all varieties, except silken, are made with pure calcium sulphate which is important in a vegan diet.

The firmer the tofu, the better it holds its shape during cooking. Tofu can be pan-fried, oven-roasted or deep fried,  it can be frozen then defrosted for crumbling into savoury dishes. Baking, dessert and smoothie recipes call for tofu to be added uncooked as a simple replacement for conventional baking ingredients.
We’ve put together a range of simple healthy recipes for the home cook to explore the versatility of ESF bio-dynamic tofu.
A little bit of experimentation goes a long way,  so be bold and enjoy!  

Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a food prepared by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into solid white blocks of varying softness; it can be silken, soft, firm, or extra firm. Beyond these broad categories, there are many varieties of tofu. It has a subtle flavor, so it can be used in savory and sweet dishes. It is often seasoned or marinated to suit the dish and its flavors, and absorbs flavors well. It is sometimes treated as a meat substitute. As a traditional component of East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines.

Farmer/ producer: Earth Source Tofu Australia.

Certified organic: Certified by the Bio-Dynamic Research Institute Australia.

For more information and links to delicious recipes please visit: